E. Algaba, R. van den Brink, Z. Sasovova

In the literature on simple graphs several power or centrality measures are studied. One of them is the degree measure which assigns to every node in a simple network its number of neighbours in the network. In this paper, we introduce a class of power or centrality measures for union stable network structures that all generalize the famous degree measure for simple graphs. We analyze their characteristics and formulate axioms that these measures have in common. We characterize these measures by a comparable set of axioms such that they only differ in the normalization, i.e. the total number of ‘points’ that is allocated over the nodes, showing that the outcome according to these different degree measures can be considerably different. In fact, the variation and normalization that is chosen is essential in evaluating positions in such networks.

Palabras clave: Degree, centrality measures, networks


GT19.GAMES2. Game Theory Working Group: Session I in honor of Prof. Stef Tijs
9 de noviembre de 2023  13:00
CC2: Sala Conferencias

Otros trabajos en la misma sesión

Apportionment methods when seats are distributed in lots

J. Sánchez Soriano, J. C. Gonçalves Dosantos

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