M. Bugallo Porto, D. Morales, M. D. Esteban, M. C. Pagliarella

This paper aims to provide a new statistical methodology to estimate Duncan dissimilarity indexes of occupational segregation by sex in administrative areas and time periods. Given that direct estimators of the proportion of men (or women) for each occupational sector are not accurate enough, we fit to them a three-fold Fay-Herriot model with random effects at three hierarchical levels. Based on the fitted model, we have derived empirical best predictors, estimated mean squared errors and carried out simulation experiments.

Data from the Spanish Labour Force Survey are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed methodology and to give some light about the current state of sex occupational segregation by province in Spain. Research claims that there is a sex gap that persists despite advances in the inclusion of women in the labour market in recent years and that is related to the unequal sharing of family responsabilities and the stigmas still present in modern societies.

Palabras clave: Small area estimation; Fay-Herriot model; Labour force survey; Duncan segregation index; Sex occupational segregation


Premio Ramiro Melendreras IV
8 de noviembre de 2023  10:10
CC4: Sala 2

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