G. González Domínguez, J. Puerto Albandoz, V. Blanco Izquierdo

In this work we analyze a network design problem that arises in naval designs that we call the Storyboard Problem. The problem consists of locating a given set of devices that allows to provide service from a given finite set of pipelines and cables to a set of final sources. The technical requirements for the connections and location of devices is given by the "storyboard", a forest-based graph that states how many devices are needed and which is the hierarchical structure of the final network, as well as some technical requirements for the links as capacities, separation between devices, etc. We provide different mathematical optimization based methodologies to solve the problem and heuristic approaches that allow to obtain good quality solutions in reasonable CPU time for real size instances.

Palabras clave: network, graph, industrial design, naval design, pipelines, cables, heuristic.


GT12.GELOCA1 Sesión Invitada
10 de noviembre de 2023  09:30
CC1: Auditorio

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The hub line location problem with elastic demand. A further research.

B. Cobeña, I. Contreras, L. I. Martínez Merino, A. M. Rodríguez Chía

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