K. Mylona, O. Egorova, A. Olszewska, B. Forbes

The current work considers an application of a multi-objective optimal design methodology for split-plot experiments in a pharmaceutical study. The aim of the experimentation was to explore the response surface with respect to various experimental factors, with two randomisation levels, as well as to provide good quality predictions in the experimental region. Due to the nature of the experimental process and the resource limitations, it was desirable to protect the inference against potentially present, but inestimable, model terms. We incorporated several optimality criteria in a single compound criterion. The design search was carried out using a point-exchange algorithm, and a stratum-by-stratum approach, with several weight combinations on the component criteria. We discuss the particularities of this specific example, the choice of the design that was used to run the experiment, and some interesting results that have been obtained.

Palabras clave: Design of experiments, optimality criterion, data analysis


GT06.DEX3b Sesión Invitada
8 de noviembre de 2023  13:00
CC1: Auditorio

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