J. C. Gonçalves Dosantos, R. Martínez, J. Sánchez Soriano

Digital streaming platforms (like Twitch, Spotify, Netflix, Disney, or Kindle) have emerged as one of the main source of entertainment with a huge potential growth. Many of these platforms distribute royalties among streamers, artists, producers, or writers based on their impact. In this talk we measure the relevance of each of those in the overall success of the platform, an information that may be essential for the allocation of the revenue. We show an axiomatic analysis to provide normative foundations of three relevance metrics: the uniform, the proportional and the subscriber proportional indicators. We complete our talk with a case study, in which the measure the influence in platform Twitch of the 19 most worldwide followed streamers

Palabras clave: measure, relevance, proportionality


GT19.GAMES5. Game Theory Working Group: Session IV in honor of Prof. Stef Tijs
10 de noviembre de 2023  12:00
CC2: Sala Conferencias

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