M. J. Campuzano, J. J. Muñoz, J. Mosquera Restrepo

This work studies an attribute control chart for monitoring the number of nonconforming items using a triple sampling (TS-np) which has not yet been applied to attribute control charts. The chart design and procedure for the decision about the state of the process are given. Mathematical expressions for the average run length (ARL) for in-control and out-of control processes and the average sample number (ASN) are given. A bi-objective genetic algorithm that seeks to minimize the ASN and the probability of type 2 error is implemented in order to optimize the design of the TS-np control chart. A comparison between TS-np, single sampling np (SS-np), double sampling np (DS-np), and multiple dependent state repetitive sampling (MDSRS) control charts is carried out in terms of the out-of-control average run length (ARL1). Tables of ARL1 values for TS-np are presented in comparison with MDSRS and DS-np for various scenarios. The operation of (TS-np) chart is shown through simulated data.

Palabras clave: control chart; attributes control chart; triple sampling; double sampling; average run length; average sample number; np control chart


Fiabilidad y Control de Calidad I
9 de noviembre de 2023  13:00
CC3: Sala 1

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