C. Henggeler Antunes, M. J. Alves

Demand response programs play a key role in the energy transition, offering potential benefits to multiple players: grid operators (alleviating congestion in networks), retailers (enabling to manage wholesale buying and retail selling prices) and consumers (reducing the energy bill without jeopardizing comfort). This work presents a modular set of mixed-integer linear programming models of appliance operation aimed at being incorporated in autonomous Home Energy Management Systems allowing for the integrated optimization of all energy resources. The models consider different cost objective function components (energy and power costs, monetized discomfort) as well as dealing with the user’s discomfort derived from operating appliances out of the habitual periods, settings, and temperature ranges. The models are developed in a building block manner to be used with different objectives of economic and comfort nature.

Palabras clave: demand response, dynamic tariffs, mixed-integer linear programming models


APDIO-SEIO Sesión Invitada
8 de noviembre de 2023  10:10
CC1: Auditorio

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