M. Torre Fernández, J. A. Prieto Alonso, I. Úcar Marqués

In this study, we use 112 million authorships across 153 research areas from the Web of Science to determine whether women's increasing presence across all research fields has fostered gender collaboration in academia. To this end, we first constructed a null model using a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm that estimates the expected level of homophily in the network of collaborations for each country, year, and research area if gender were randomly assigned. Next, we compute behavioral homophily as a continuous variable that measures the difference between observed homophily and compositional homophily, estimated as the mean of the null distribution. We use weighted least squares regression with fixed effects to estimate how behavioral gender homophily varies with the proportion of women over time. Results illustrate an asymmetrical homophily scenario in which gender homophily increases in gender-neutral environments due to male attempts to preserve the occupational status quo.

Palabras clave: academia, occupational segregation, homophilic behavior, gender equality, Web of Science, scientific research


Análisis de Datos en Ciencias Sociales
8 de noviembre de 2023  10:10
HC3: Sala Canónigos 3

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