M. Reula Martín, R. Marti

In this work we solve a practical variant of an arc routing problem. We target the close enough model in which clients can be served from relatively close arcs. This variant, known as the profitable close-enough arc routing problem, models real situations, such as inventory management or automated meter reading. We propose a heuristic based on the variable neighborhood search methodology to maximize the sum of profits of the clients served (penalized with the distance traveled). We present extensive experimentation over a benchmark of previously reported instances. Specifically, we first set the key search parameters of our method, and then compare it with the state-of-the-art heuristics for this problem. Our heuristic outperforms the previous algorithms published for this problem, as confirmed by the statistical analysis, which permits to draw significant conclusions.

Palabras clave: Arc routing, Close-enough, Profits, Metaheuristic, Logistics


GT10.HEUR2 Sesión Invitada
9 de noviembre de 2023  16:50
HC1: Sala Canónigos 1

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