J. Alcaraz, L. Anton-Sanchez, F. Saldanha-da-Gama

A variant of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) is the multi-skill RCPSP (MS-RCPSP) where each resource has one or several skills and each activity may require several resources with certain skills. The standard goal of the MS-RCPSP is to determine a start time and the allocation of resources for each activity to complete the project as soon as possible, i.e., to minimize the makespan. In this work, we consider a more realistic scenario where all the resources do not master all their skills with the same efficiency (this is often the case, for example, when human resources are involved). In addition, we consider the cost for resource usage and address this new version of the problem from a multi-objective perspective, minimizing both the makespan and the total cost. We present an optimization model for this new problem and develop exact methods to find the set of Pareto solutions. We intend to develop metaheuristics for instances that cannot be solved exactly.

Keywords: Multi-skill resource-constrained project scheduling problem, efficiency, multi-objective optimization, exact Pareto front


Integer Optimisation and Combinatorics
November 8, 2023  5:20 PM
CC2: Conference Room

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