V. Blanco

We consider facility location problems with a new form of equity criterion. Demand points have preference order on the sites where the plants can be located. The goal is to find the location of the facilities minimizing the envy felt by the demand points with respect to the rest of demand points allocated to the same plant. After defining this new envy criterion and the general framework based on it, we provide formulations that model this approach in both the discrete and the continuous framework. The problems are illustrated with examples and the computational tests reported show the potential and limits of each formulation on several types of instances. Although this article is mainly focused on the introduction, modelling and formulation of this new concept of envy, some improvements for all the formulations presented are developed, obtaining in some cases better solution times.

Keywords: Facility Location, Maximal Coverage, Equity, Accessibility.


GT12.GELOCA1 Invited Session
November 9, 2023  3:30 PM
HC2: Canónigos Room 2

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