M. Figueira Pereira, D. Conesa, A. López-Quílez

In ecology, Species Distribution Models (SDMs) are a statistical tool that has seen a substantial expansion in its implementation over the last decades. Along with their widespread use, the complexity of the data analysed and the structures of the models used have increased. Therefore, in this work we present an application to simplify the use of the SPDE-FEM (Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Finite Element Methods) methodology integrated in INLA (Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation) for geostatistical and preferential models.

The application also allows to set the prior distributions of parameters and hyperparameters. As a result, feedback protocols between models can be implemented. Overall, the application provides a simple interface for the implementation of structures widely used in the field of statistical ecology, so it can be a useful tool for research support.

Keywords: Shiny App, INLA, Geostatistics, Preferential models, Feedback protocols.


GT11.BAYES2 Invited Session
November 7, 2023  6:40 PM
CC1: Audience

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