F. Temprano Garcia, D. Ponce López, J. Puerto Albandoz

This talk deals with the k-way normalized cut problem in complex networks. It presents a methodology using mathematical optimization to provide mixed integer linear programming formulations for the problem. The paper also develops a branch-and-price algorithm for the above mentioned problem which scales better than the compact formulations. Additionally, it is also presented a heuristic algorithm able to approximate large scale problems in those cases where the exact methods are not applicable. Extensive computational experiments assess the usefulness of these methods to solve the k-way normalized cut problem. Finally, a case study is reported on the segmentation of actual images showing the applicability of the methods in this paper to detect community structures in graphs.

Keywords: Normalized cuts, Complex networks, Community detection, Mathematical programming, Image segmentation


GT12.GELOCA1 Invited Session
November 10, 2023  9:30 AM
CC1: Audience

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