C. Comas, M. Eckardt, J. Mateu

The recent progress in data collection tools and availability of massive storage capacities yielded modern spatial point process data where points are augmented by some non-scalar quantities. Examples of such structures include forest patterns where trees
have a growth function, and population features related to town locations. However, the methodological toolbox remains mostly restricted to the analysis of scalar-valued point attributes. In particular, the analysis of point patterns with multiple distinct function-valued marks has not been covered and remains an open field of research. We address this limitation of the present methodological toolbox and introduce apart of the classical cross-function extensions of variation and correlation related mark summary attributes, nearest-neighbour indices and mark weighted second-order summary features. A case study involving the locations of 799 pines with some functional-valued tree features are used to illustrate our new approaches.

Keywords: Function-valued marks, Point process, Point patterns, Second-order summary characteristics


Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistics
November 7, 2023  4:50 PM
CC3: Room 1

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