L. Fernández Piana, A. Justel Eusebio, M. Svarc

In this work, we introduce a depth measure for trajectories that share the same origin or end and that spread in all possible directions. The main idea is to define an integrated depth where the integral variable is the radius of concentric circles from the common point. For this purpose, a new local depth measure for circular data is introduced. Desirable theoretical properties are obtained for both the circular local depth and the integrated depth. An efficient data-driven algorithm is presented, which allows for handling large data sets. This procedure has important applications in the study of the patterns followed by the trajectories of air masses in Antarctica The deeper curves allow us to identify the main routes of air transport of airborne microorganisms to the Byers Peninsula, a specially protected area on the Antarctic Peninsula dedicated to scientific research.

Palabras clave: Circular data. Local depth. Particle dispersion.


GT01.FDA3 Sesión Invitada
9 de noviembre de 2023  11:40
CC3: Sala 1

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