B. Sawik, A. Agustin

It is well-known that European societies have been aging and this trend will continue. The increasing number of older individuals in need of care, combined with limited availability of caregivers (professionals and families), call for the implementation of new ideas and solutions aimed at reducing the burden on caregivers. The ENRICHMENT project pull for socially assistive robots (SARs) which have the potential to improve care delivery for seniors at home. Thus, we develop in this work a multi-objective mathematical model aimed at maximizing efficiency in the elderly care and robots utilization while minimizing the professional caregivers stress, taking into account that SARs will aid on their duties and looking forward a balanced workload for all professional caregivers. In contrast, for elderly, we will consider using optimization to ensure that his/her allocated professional takes care at least once a week and his/her assigned robot takes care on the other days, if that is the case.

Palabras clave: multi-objective optimization, human-robot interaction, elderly care, caregiver


Pósteres II
9 de noviembre de 2023  11:40
CC: Sala Pausa Café

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