V. López López, Y. Jimenez Agudelo, P. Llamocca Portella, C. Guevara Maldonado, D. Urgelés Puértolas, M. Espinosa Ruíz

The development of data science and intelligent processes that are fed with data, allow increasing information related to the activity of people. This work focuses on data collected through motion and environmental sensors since they are of special interest for the non-intrusive monitoring of individuals.
All these data constitute adequate input to determine the fluctuations of the emotional state and prevent possible crises due to anxiety, mania, or depression. Research in this field is hampered by the data production of different device manufacturers due to different aggregation processes, which function as black boxes.
In this article, a solution is proposed, which we call IxP, consisting of the collection of raw data from any device and the integration of all this data through a process that includes inferring the particular aggregation algorithm of each device. The system requires a final validation process prior to the analysis and application of the results.

Palabras clave: Data Integration Process, Data Sensors, Mental Health, Artificial Intelligence Applications


Pósteres II
9 de noviembre de 2023  11:40
CC: Sala Pausa Café

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