D. Moriña Soler, A. Fernández-Fontelo, M. Guillen
Health insurance is one of the branches of insurance with the greatest penetration in the Spanish market. The health insurance-related claim rate has experienced the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, especially regarding consultations and medical events that could be postponed. Mobility restrictions led to a decline in the use of insurance by policyholders and a transformation of the interaction between patients and health workers with greater use of telephone consultation. This work aims to study how to determine if, (i) due to the effect of postponing visits or (ii) due to the consequences of having suffered the virus (persistent Covid or side effects), there will be an excess of claims and, where appropriate, when a claiming increase will occur.
Keywords: health services, modelling, insurance, covid-19, time series, intervention analysis
GT02.AR1 Risk Analysis
November 7, 2023 6:40 PM
HC3: Canónigos Room 3