F. J. Toledo Melero, V. Galiano, J. M. Blanes, M. V. Herranz, X. A. Moreno-Vassart Martinez

There are different physical-mathematical models that try to explain the behavior of solar panels. The models are described by means of equations that depend on parameters to be determined with the voltage-current measurements obtained from the panels. Due to errors in the data, both in the measurements and in the machines themselves, optimization techniques are required to obtain the parameters that lead to the best fit of the models to the data. On the other hand, the transcendental nature of the equations associated with the models also leads to the search for the best numerical methods for solving these equations. In this talk we will review some of the most used models in the literature and some of the most fruitful techniques in obtaining parameters and solving the associated equations, and we will see how mathematical problems associated with engineering arise naturally.

Keywords: Optimization, photovoltaics


GT13.OPTCONT6 Invited Session
November 7, 2023  11:40 AM
CC1: Audience

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