M. Merino Maestre, I. Gago Carro, U. Aldasoro Marcellan, J. Ceberio Uribe

Emergency medical services are essential for health systems as their effective management can improve patient prognosis. However, locating resources is particularly challenging in heterogeneous density territories where, in addition to their efficient management, the equity principle in the medical access of inhabitants of rural areas is also desirable.
This work approaches the ambulance (re)location-allocation problem in the Basque Country (Spain). To that end, a two-stage stochastic 0-1 integer linear programming model that balances the response time between densely populated and isolated areas is proposed. Specifically, the model incorporates two relevant principles: (1) optimizing emergency attendance through the option of allocating ambulances via a multiple priority response time and (2) equitably responding to emergencies so remote areas are not neglected. Conducted experiments have been validated and indicate that the proposed model can improve the success rate in rural areas

Keywords: Stochastic programming, location-allocation, OR in health services, integer programming, regional equity, multiple priority response time


GT12.GELOCA1 Invited Session
November 9, 2023  4:50 PM
HC2: Canónigos Room 2

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