M. Albareda Sambola, M. Landete, G. Laporte

This work is focused on the Interval Transportation Problem (ITP). It is based on the transportation problem, aimed at finding the minimum cost flows between capacitated facilities and customers with given demands.
In the ITP the capacities of the facilities and the demands of the customers are not given in detail. Instead, an interval is given for each of these values. The goal of the ITP is to identify the feasible transportation problem instance with the largest optimal value among those that can be defined by pickig facility capacity values and customers demands from the corresponding given intervals.
We will present different adaptations of a global optimization method proposed by Tsoukalas et al. in 2009 for bilevel problems to the ITP, based on mathematical programming. We will show their effectiveness on a series of computational experiments.

Keywords: Facility location. Bilevel problem.


GT12.GELOCA1 Invited Session
November 9, 2023  4:50 PM
HC2: Canónigos Room 2

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