F. Bernstein

This talk presents a compilation of work that illustrates how game theoretical tools can help understand phenomena that arise in important operations management problems. The first paper explores the impact of competition between platforms in the ride-sharing economy. The paper also studies the impact of multi-homing on the equilibrium behavior of the platform, drivers, and customers. The second paper examines the impact of government regulation that affects free trade among parties in a supply chain. It shows that regulation can stimulate more investment in capability improvement, but it may also hurt suppliers, manufacturers and/or consumers. The final paper studies the impact of cooperative information sharing in marketplace selling platforms. Information sharing can lead to improved profits. However, firms operating under quick response strategies can stand to lose from cooperation, relative to their performance under traditional production/sourcing strategies.

Keywords: platforms; sharing economy; government regulation; investment in capability improvement; marketplaces; information sharing; quick response.


GT19.GAMES1. Invited session. Game Theory Working Group: Keynote Session
November 9, 2023  11:40 AM
CC2: Conference Room

Other papers in the same session

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