F. Alvelos, M. Marto, E. Vieira, A. Mendes

Wildfire is a major issue at both local and global levels that must be tackled by many agents and perspectives. In this work, we address the wildfire suppression problem. Given a landscape, an initial state of the fire and a set of resources, the problem is to decide where the resources should attack the fire and how they should move in order to optimize some function (e.g. minimize the burned area or maximize the fire arrival time at sensible points).
We discuss mixed integer programming (MIP) and heuristic approaches. We describe how the relevant information (fuels, topography, resources potential movements, ...) can be exchanged with geographical information systems and report on experiments in an actual landscape.
This research was supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia , within the scope of project “O3F - An Optimization Framework to reduce Forest Fire” - PCIF/GRF/0141/2019 and within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020.

Keywords: Mixed integer programming, wildfire


APDIO-SEIO Invited Session
November 8, 2023  10:10 AM
CC1: Audience

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