I. Martins, S. Marques, F. Alvelos

A major activity in forest management is to plan the silviculture activities. Mixed integer programming (MIP) has been used to obtain optimal plans taking into account management objectives and bounds.(e.g. carbon stock, biodiversity and soil erosion). Our contribution is to address fire not as an attribute/parameter of the MIP model but by simulating its spread. First, the MIP model is solved. A worst-case fire spread simulation is conducted to identify fire paths with a too high rate of spread. Each identified unacceptable path results in an additional constraint in the MIP. The process is repeated until no unacceptable paths are identified - assuring no fire paths will have a rate of spread higher than a threshold. We discuss experiments from a case study.

This research was supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, through project O3F - An Optimization Framework to reduce Forest Fire - PCIF/GRF/0141/2019 and within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020.

Keywords: Harvest scheduling, Fire spread simulation, Minimum travel time algorithm


APDIO-SEIO Invited Session
November 8, 2023  10:10 AM
CC1: Audience

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